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Please note that it may take a few days for us to respond to your inquiry.
Please call us if you are in a hurry.

Shimoyama Chikusan Co., Ltd.  TEL:03-3897-6101  FAX:03-3897-6695

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Shimoyama Chikusan Co., Ltd. HOME
Our Strengths/Quality Control SystemUntil Safe Beef ArrivesFrom Breeding to FatteningFrom Shaping to SellingParts of MeatCompany ProfileAffiliated CompaniesCareersContact Us
Shimoyama Chikusan Co., Ltd. in Adachi-ku, Tokyo, is engaged in shaping and wholesale sales of Hitachi's Mizuho beef and various other domestic beef products. 7-1-15 Iriya, Adachi-ku, Tokyo 121-0836 TEL: 03-3897-6101 FAX: 03-3897-6695